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#6 Who’s on Your Board of Directors?

by | How to Journal

This is post #6 in the series 7 Easy Steps to be a Better Quitter. This series provides journal prompts and writing topics to enable big changes. I used this process to quit smoking, change jobs, start running, and eliminate debt. It works!

One of the fastest ways to up the ante on your skill set is to find mentors. Mentors can be traditional, like an elder business owner, or untraditional, like an inspiring character from your favorite novel. A mentor is anyone who is doing what you want to do – successfully.

I’ve found it most helpful to have mentors I can contact directly, so superheroes and dead presidents are out of the running. But if your dearly departed Nanna is your primo source of inspiration, by all means enlist her.

Ask for Help

First, a word about independence.

Get over it.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I know you’re strong and self-sufficient; I am, too. But life got a lot easier when I realized that other people actually enjoy helping me.

It’s not a sign of weakness to admit you can’t do something alone. It’s a sign of intelligence.

Every time you get back up in pursuit of your goals, you gain strength and increase your chance of success. So let’s talk about who in your life can lend a hand.

Who’s on Your Board of Directors?

Nobody can be everything for you, and people have different strengths you can utilize. I like to assemble half a dozen mentors, each contributing a significant skill set of their own. I call this my “board of directors,” and I have one for each “project” in my life.

For the Quit Smoking Project, I might have my doctor, acupuncturist, friend who has successfully quit, personal trainer, and partner. When I need a prescription, I call my doctor. When I need withdrawal relief, I call my acupuncturist. My friend can provide me with real world examples that helped her stay quit. My personal trainer can remind me why I need to be able to breathe better. My partner can pet my head and tell me I’m fabulous.

Determine first what type of help you need, and then choose the appropriate party. Having a list at the ready means you’re able to utilize each person’s unique strength.

To generate a list of potential mentors for your Board of Directors, use the following prompts.

Who has successfully accomplished __________, in a way I find inspiring?

Who has unique knowledge regarding ________ that I can benefit from?

WWJD? (What Would Janie Do?)

If one of your mentors is not accessible in your time of need, you can use your imagination. You can take an educated guess at what their response would be, if you know them well. So write down your question, and ask yourself:

What would ________ do in this situation?

Pretend you are that person, giving you objective advice. In your imagination, picture them standing before you. What would they tell you? What advice, direction or encouragement would they provide?

Use these prompts to brainstorm folks who are rooting on you and can support you on your path to change. We need all the help we can get!

So who’s on your Board of Directors?

Be a Better Quitter in 7 Easy Steps

Visit the Be a Better Quitter in 7 Easy Steps series page for a list of all posts with summaries.

#1 What One Change Do You Need to Make?
#2 Do You Realize What’s at Stake?
#3 You Do It Because it Works
#4 How to Write Plan B
#5 Where’d You Hide the Chocolate?!
#6 Who’s on Your Board of Directors?
#7 Celebrate Your Success

Yours in journaling,


hey, friend!

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